Most pets adjust better to their owner’s absence and experience less stress when they can remain in their own home environment.
Pet sitters make daily visits to your home, administer medications, walk pets and perform other pet-related services.
Pet sitters may also provide important home-care services, such as mail and newspaper pickup, watering indoor and outdoor plants, taking out the trash for pickup, rotating the lights, and opening and closing the blinds.
No longer have to impose on family, friends and neighbors.
Traveling to a relative’s home, boarding facility or kennel can be very stressful for your pet.
Hiring a pet sitter will minimize the risks of kennel cough and other diseases that could be harmful to your pet.
You will receive daily updates of your pet’s activities and well-being.
Using a pet sitter will simplify your travel plans.
* Perfect for pet owners who are going away on vacation, work long hours or travel for business!